Monday, April 15, 2024

SPACE Exhibitors N to S


SPACE Exhibitors N to S

Michael R. Neno:
Publisher of comics and zines since 1987 and freelance penciler, inker, letterer and colorist. I also design concert posters, record covers and illustrate books and magazines

Keith Newsome:

Keith Newsome has been doing various kinds of art since he was in 5th grade. He got into comics in the early 80s, met some of his artic heroes. Decided to get into self publishing. Worked with Hunter Productions and Broken Glass Studios. He started doing dragon illustrations early on and it has become one of his favorite things to do. He is currently writing, drawing and creating his own creation GODSENT under the umbrella of a new comic company October Harvest owned by Eugene Layne Jr.. He is also creating a 60 page book of all his short stories. He has been published in various other small press comics and Zines.

Matthew Northrup:
I learned to read via comics, and fell in love with counter-culture works at an early age. I've studied and practiced the language of sequential storytelling for as long as I could hold a pencil, and have been seen by some greats in the field, but all deals fell through. Now, I've just decided to do it on my own, self publishing my first book in 2022 and going back to college to strengthen my writing and illustrative senses.

Candy Ober:
My traveling tool kit holds my dreams of wonder, play, & fun! ..watercolor & brushes to paint; needles, thread, fabric & binding to quilt; paper, pens, ink, nibs, & pencils to draw; cut outs & glue to collage: carving tools to stamp; iPad, Apple Pencil, & Procreate app to digitally imagine.

Maryanne Rose Papke:

Maryanne Rose Papke has been self-publishing short comics since 2010. Her comics are usually weird, often silly, typically cute, sometimes sad, and occasionally epic. She has currently more than 12 minicomics in print.

Koda Peterson:
Koda Peterson is an artist from Wichita Falls, Texas. They are a comic book artist and illustrator. You can often find them getting coffee in Columbus, Ohio where they currently live.

Nate Powell:

Nate Powell is a National Book Award-winning cartoonist who began self-publishing as an Arkansas teenager in 1992. His work includes the new graphic novel Fall Through, a comics adaptation of James Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me, memoir/essay hybrid Save It For Later, civil rights icon John Lewis’s March trilogy, Come Again, Two Dead, Any Empire, and Swallow Me Whole. Powell’s work has received four Eisner Awards, two Ignatz Awards, the Comic-Con International Inkpot Award, multiple ALA and YALSA distinctions, and is a two-time finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize. He lives in Bloomington, Indiana.

Warren Reed:

Born in England, raised in Europe, college and more adventure in the US, then lived in France and Tanzania, visited a few countries in North, East and West Africa. Comics in college papers, then got into animation, several films in festivals in three continents, moved to Columbus for work, also adjunct teaching at CCAD. Identity and alterity are main themes, with liberal doses of humour, action and romance! Intend to do some HORROR!

Refugee Youth Project:
The Refugee Youth Project (RYP) helps school-aged youth develop the knowledge and skills required for academic success and positive integration. Programs include after-school support, summer school, college access, and community arts. After-school programs focus on homework help, social skills, and building and improving English language skills.  Funding for RYP is provided through the generous support of the Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees (MORA), as well as supplemental grant and fundraising dollars. All RYP program services are FREE for eligible students. RYP partners with local colleges, universities, and high schools to recruit more than 250 volunteers each year.

Max Schaller:

Max Schaller is a cartoonist in Columbus OH who writes and draws some wild shit.

Anna Sellheim:
Anna Sellheim is originally from Washington DC. She earned her MFA in comics from the Center For Cartoon Studies in 2016. She has been published by the Nib, Oni Press and Seven Days (Vermont’s Alternative Weekly Newspaper). She also has contributed to a number of anthologies, most notably Dirty Diamonds and Comics For Choice, an anthology of nonfiction comics about abortion that raised over $30,000 for the National Network Abortion Fund. Her work primarily deals with health, trauma, and the healing power of art. She now works at the Refugee Youth Program, where she teaches art and comics to refugee youth ages 5-21 throughout Baltimore City. She helps guide her students into creating their own healing art practices, while also using comics as an opportunity to solidify their English skills. One project of note, the RYP Zine, is an anthology created by her students at Patterson High School. The sales of the initial print run has raised over $1000 for the student snack fund.

Nick Stellanova:

Nick Stellanova is a comic artist and illustrator from Ohio. He loves to play with making comics and creating stories. His work focuses on personal identity, nature, and the queer community.

Laura Shaw:
Laura Shaw is a psychological horror writer and comics artist based in Columbus, OH. Shaw started her career in comics at the Columbus College of Art and Design and achieved her BFA in 2024. She has worked beside many industry writers and editors, such as Shelly Bond, and has participated in multiple comics events such as CXC. Shaw, ever the animal lover, uses her skills to draw attention to the plights surrounding animal conservation and protection which you can read about in her new comic, HYBRID.

So Pro Comics:
So Pro Comics is an independent publisher striving to blend modern storytelling, production and distribution with a retro, anything-goes sense of fun, founded in Marietta, Ohio by long-time indie comic do-it-yourselfers Michael K. Easton and Jordan Lowe.

Joshua Ray Stephens:
VENOMYTHS is Joshua Ray Stephens’ ongoing anthology of cartoon future fantasy. Equal parts sci-fi, fantasy, philosophy, poetry, religious revelation and silly ass comics. Set in a far off future in a psychiatric asylum that everyone calls Magic Moon VENOMYTHS is a mind bending romp through the ravings of an over-active imagination and over-saturated mind.

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