Friday, November 4, 2011

Comic Book Fans and Artists Night Out!

This from organizer Molly Durst:
Attention Comic book fans, boys and girls, ladies and gents now presenting an adventure in geekdom at your favorite coffee shop - Kafe Kerouac! ::applause::

So you think you know all there is to know about comics? From Alan Moore to Warren Ellis? From Archie to Xenia? Prove it! We are going to have a trivia game where you can get to use that nerdy knowledge to win prizes provided by the ever popular comic book store on High Str...eet: Laughing Ogre.

Is that not enough? We are also going to have a projector in the back room for another game in which we will have comic book panels with blank word bubbles where we let people make up their own witty captions. Show off that rapier wit in head to head competition!

A huge community poster jam will be going on so that anyone can add in their own little drawings and jam with the indie artists who are at the show. Come out, have a cup of coffee or some brewskies and mingle with local creators and see their artwork featured on the walls and on the shelves.

If you want in the artshow, please contact Molly Durst at

It's going to be a good time, we are hoping to see you soon! :D


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